China top for Myanmar mango export

2023-06-28 19:00:22 来源:中国—东盟博览会 分享到:


China remained the most important destination for shipment of Myanmar"s famous \"Sein Ta Lone\" or \"Diamond Solitaire\" mangoes in 2023, local mango exporters have said.


Among over 400 varieties of mangoes that are native to Myanmar, Sein Ta Lone mango is a top variety of mangoes exported to China and other countries for its sweet flavor, vibrant color, and distinct aroma, the mango exporters said.

The tropical fruits are mainly cultivated and produced in the country"s Mandalay Region, Sagaing Region and southern Shan State. They are now being harvested in southern Shan State, following the harvest season in Mandalay Region between April and June ended, the exporters said.

U Myint Oo, chairman of the Lawksawk Mango Producer and Exporter Cluster, in Shan State told Xinhua on Thursday that the Chinese market is very big. \"They have the demands as per the amounts we can export.\"

The mango harvest season in Shan State is between the first week of June and the first week of July.

Approximately over 2,000 tons of Sein Ta Lone mangoes from Shan State were already exported to China so far this year, he said.

The reasons why most of the Southeast Asian country"s mangoes go to China included convenient and swift transportation, low transportation costs, and the assurance of fruit freshness, the exporters said.

Mangoes are mainly sent from Myanmar to China through the land border. Local mango exporters told Xinhua that it is crucial to keep the freshness of the fruits throughout the export process.

The ability to deliver them in prime condition to the Chinese market is one of the main factors to attract Chinese consumers, they believed.

\"To boost the mango exports, what we need to improve is its appearance including packaging features, which are also important for consumers,\" U Myint Oo said, adding that Sein Ta Lone mango already had its natural exceptional taste and quality.

He noted that local traders, who can share the requirements of the Chinese buyers with local farmers, plays a significant role in the country"s future mango export business with China.

\"They are now directly working with the Chinese side. Therefore, they know more about the requirements from China,\" he said.

Source: Xinhua




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China top for Myanmar mango export

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